
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Verify the security of our passwords

As we saw a few days ago, the security of our passwords increases exponentially as we add characters and numbers, as well as uppercase and lowercase.
Thus, a simple counterseal as ukelele, it would take 13 minutes to be cracked by a desktop PC and ordinary, to be transformed into something like uk3L3l3 take four days, and all we've done is replace the "e" for "3." Of course, it remains a very insecure password (always recommended to have one of 8 characters or more).
To show us how insecure our passwords, HowSecureIsMyPassword is a service that, in seconds, tells us how a PC would take to crack our password. The results, in many cases, are truly frightening. But it is a scare necessary, if what you get, finally, is to begin to create more secure passwords.

How to create strong passwords, protect them, and remember

1 comment:

  1. How to create strong passwords, protect them, and remember


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